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horoskop hari ini-18/10

The Bottom Line

You have been so busy lately that you haven't worked through an issue. Deal today.
In Detail

There's been a nagging worry on your mind lately, and it's not going away anytime soon -- probably because you have been so busy lately that you simply haven't had the time to think about it or process it. So unless you want this thing to be plaguing you relentlessly, you have got to stop things today and give yourself the quiet time you need to get it out of your system. Call up a friend and talk it out with them. They'll help you move on and get your head clear.

aku bukan nak percaya sangat horoskop tapi betullah aku quite busy 2,3 minggu ni. tulah pasai sampai aku pun boleh demam. makan kemana, tido lagilah. dahlah gastrik aku pun makin manja sekarang. choi betul. ni hidung aku pun dah mula berair. batuk pun makin teruk. batuk je berdarah, batuk je berdarah. rimas aku. malas nak layan.huhuhu... aku bimbang final dah dekat lagi bagus.hehehe...

lepas final, aku ngat nak keje tapi tak tahu ag nak keje kat mana. sape - sape yang da keje kosong dan memerlukan pekerja sambilan macam aku ni bolehlah cakap kat aku ( ceh, rasa macam buat announce kat hostel masa muda - muda dulu je.hahaha...muda - muda???sekarang dah tua ke??hehehe..tak de r tua sangat pun.umur pun masih baru.hehehe)

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